Emergency Phone Numbers: Sturgeon Bay Police 920.746.2450 Door County Medical Center 920.743.5566. Sturgeon Bay Fire Department West 920.746.2919. The Fire Extinguisher is below the kitchen sink. Notify Alisa, immediately, if you call emergency services.
Upon Arrival
*The address is 324 N. Joliet Ave, Sturgeon Bay…. the Cottage is hidden from the street, so when you see the small green roof on the shed next to the sidewalk, you have arrived.The stairs leading to the Cottage are just to the right of the shed.
*Parking is on-street (see Winter information below).
*The keypad access information is in your reservation confirmation email.
*Check-in 4 PM Check-out 10 AM
*Treat the Cottage with love and respect. I expect that the Cottage is left in the condition it was found. No more than two people.
*Enjoy your stay. I always seek to respect your privacy, but please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have via message or phone 920.493.6000
*In the Winter Months ONLY from December 1 through April 1: With a Parking Permit, during snow and post-snow for plowing, on-street parking is allowed from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., based on odd/even dates of the next morning. The next day, park your car on the other side for plowing, again. The permit must be displayed on the interior driver’s side dashboard. The permit will be in the middle mailbox at 330 Joliet, please keep it in the plastic sleeve and remember to return it or a $55 fee will be charged (which is what I pay for the permit). The City of Sturgeon Bay asks that the permit be displayed at all times during 12/1 to 4/1. I’m sorry if this sounds complicated, please message me for clarification. Instructions are also included with the permit.
*Wi-Fi information is in a small black frame on the upper shelf of the entertainment center.
*Make sure you bring your passwords for Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu etc.
Air Conditioning & Heat
*Summer Months: A/C Use the remote thermostat located on the counter to the right of the refrigerator. Please only use the yellow buttons to adjust the temperature up/down with a low limit of 70℉. DURING SUMMER MONTHS, WEATHER PERMITTING, IF YOU CHOOSE TO OPEN THE WINDOWS, PLEASE TURN OFF THE AIR CONDITIONING.
*Winter Months: Heat- There are two heating systems in the cottage: The best one to use in the Cottage is the heat pump with a remote control in the blue dish on the counter. Please only use the yellow buttons to adjust the temperature up/down with a high limit of 72℉. The baseboards have two thermostat controls, one near the turquoise chairs and one in the bathroom. If the baseboard heat is on, please be mindful not to allow the chairs or anything to touch the hot baseboards. The ceiling fan circulates the heat down from the vaulted ceiling, please keep the switch on at all times, it is located to the left of the front door. The Cottage will warm up quickly when you adjust the temperature setting(s).
*When cooking on the stovetop, please use the exhaust fan, the button is located on the microwave (especially when cooking foods with strong odors, such as bacon).
*The countertops are heat sensitive, please use a hot-pad cushion when placing anything hot from the stove or the oven on the counter.
*The BBQ grill is self-igniting, but the left side works better than the right. The grill’s spatula and tongs are on the bottom shelf of the cabinet next to the oven inside the Cottage. I also put a long lighter in the lower cabinet in case you need to ignite manually, there is a hole next to the control know to insert the lighter.
*You can get ice at Walgreens 808 S. Duluth Avenue & Highway 42/57 or most gas stations around town.
*Fire extinguisher is located below the kitchen sink.
Living Room
*The Ceiling fan is controlled by a light switch that is located to the left of the door; it is the middle switch.
*The outside house lights are labeled, on the wall near the living room thermostat.
*Cushions for the outside dining table and beach towels (leave dirty beach towels on first floor deck next door) are in the bench of the bay window.
*There is a workstation for those who are working remotely, located in the bay window bench. Instructions are in the three ring binder on the top shelf of the entertainment center.
*A Primer on Small Town Plumbing- Plumbing and sewer systems in small towns like Sturgeon Bay are NOT as good as they are in big cities. With that in mind PLEASE follow these simple rules: a). Only #1, #2 and TP go in the toilet. NOTHING ELSE: No cups, no bottles, no toys, no hopes and dreams. b). Flush more than once during… c). If you clog the toilet, please find the plunger under the sink and do your best. Or, advise your host. You can pretend it wasn’t you; she won’t judge.
*Hand and shower soap is provided, but please bring your own shampoo.
*The hair dryer is located in the bathroom vanity drawer.
*Please use the dark colored wash cloths / or make-up removal wipes rather than the white towels.
*When bathing, please always use the bathroom exhaust fan, otherwise there may be too much humidity buildup. The fan is quiet and can be easily set to automatically turn off after a desired amount of time has passed.
*The firewood kiosk in the yard is $20 per section or $10 for half of a section. You can leave the money on the counter or pay through PayPal to: kohlspropertyservices@gmail.com Or Venmo to: @KohlsProperty-Services
*If you do not have either of these services, please text 920-737-6936 and Holli can charge your Credit Card, or she can pick up money.
*If you need more wood, please contact Holli by text or email at 920-737-6936 kohlspropertyservices@gmail.com with the name, Lily Pad Cottage and she will be happy to refill it for you.
Swim Ladder- located next door to the cottage, at 330 Joliet
*To lower the ladder into the water, remove the coupler pin located on the right hinge. Lower the ladder manually and SLOWLY into the water.
*Swim at your own risk, there is no life guard on duty.
*Please swing ladder out of the water and replace the coupler pin when finished swimming.
*If the neighbor wants to pull their boat out or into the boat slip, please clear the water while he does this.
*Be mindful of water depth (water depth at cottage and the south side of the kayak lift is very shallow, so no diving).
*One person on the ladder at a time
*The green towels in the window seat are for swimming or if you go to the beach. Please leave used swim towels on the first floor deck at 330 Joliet, for washing.
*Treat the cottage with love and respect. I expect that the Cottage is left in the condition in which it was found.
*Check-out 10 AM
*There is a garbage can (on the middle stair landing) and a recycling can behind the garbage can. Garbage should be bagged securely and placed in trash bins provided.
*Summer Months: The thermostat is located behind the door in the living room, that leads to the bedroom. Air Conditioning thermostat must be set at 76˚ when you check out, if the outside temperature is 75˚ or above.
*Winter Months: Set the remote to 65˚ and set the two wall thermostats to 62˚
*Dishwasher tabs are below the sink. The coffee pot can go in the dishwasher. You don’t need to stay until the cycle is complete, the cleaning crew will put the dishes away.
*Also, if you don’t mind, please message when you have departed so we can begin the cleaning process for the next guest. 920-493-6000
*Thank you for being my guest and in advance, for leaving the Cottage so nice and tidy! It was my pleasure to host you and I hope you had a great time. It would really mean a lot to me and help grow my business to find great guests such as yourself, if you would give me a 5 STAR review on the FB and Google pages.
*Quiet Hours begin at 10 PM. When outdoors, be considerate of the neighborhood and your neighbor’s right to the quiet enjoyment of their home and property, especially after 10 p.m. Vacation time with family and friends can be fun and exciting and everyone on vacation wants to enjoy a good time away from their normal routines. It is important to balance the vacation fun with the neighbors’ own quiet enjoyment of their homes – many of them are not on vacation and are leading normal lives during your stay. Consider how you would want your neighbors to behave in your own neighborhood.
*Treat the cottage with love and respect. I expect that the cottage is left in the condition it was found. No more than two people.
*Please close and latch all windows before leaving the Cottage, unattended. Storms in Door County can occur unexpectedly and will damage the interior.
*Rates are determined by season. The rates apply to a 2 person occupancy, an additional fee of $25 is charged per day for each additional person beyond suggested occupancy.
50% of total stay or minimum of one night’s rate, whichever is greater, will be forfeited if cancellation is received after 14 days prior to arrival date.
Deposit minus $15 service fee will be refunded if a cancellation notice is received 14 days prior to arrival date.
*Three or Four night minimum stay may apply.
*Rates subject to 5.5% state sales tax and 8% Door County room tax. (Can change without notice)
*Check-in 4 PM Check-out 10 AM
*Regretfully, pets are not allowed anywhere on the property. If a pet of any type is found to have been in the Cottage, a $300 fee will be charged. If applicable you will also be immediately evicted with no refund.
*Smoking is banned in, on, or near buildings.
Fireworks. Per Door County Code Fireworks are not permitted. SECTION 11: FIREWORKS: 11.0 – It shall be unlawful for any person, organization, business or corporation to light or maintain any illegal fireworks, except fireworks for public display in compliance with state law shall be permitted after obtaining all state and local permits.
*Book online at CottageInDoor.co Payment Forms Accepted – MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, PayPal PayPal and Credit Cards Accepted – Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover
Balance for full period reserved is due with online reservation
*Enjoy your stay, and please reach out with any questions you may have via text or phone 920.493.6000
Rates are determined by season. All rates listed are for suggested occupancy or less. An additional fee of $25 is charged per day for each additional person beyond suggested occupancy.
*Fisher-persons- fish must be stored in a cooler outside of the apartment building. Absolutely, no cleaning of fish inside the apartment. If you catch a fish that you’d like to keep, Lindal Fisheries (located in Sturgeon Bay) has full service fish processing, cleaning, filleting, and packaging. Call Dan m: 743.9793 or p: 743.2088
Other useful information
*Coming back to Lily Pad late? Turn on the outside and door lights before you leave to see your path back to the Cottage. Left switch near the turquoise chairs and right switch near the oven.
*Planning on needing a ride? :
Escort Limousine Service: Book online
1 Awesome Cab: Call Jon at 920-371-7808
Door County Courier: 920-559-0339
Sunset Limousine, LLC 608-279-5466
Door County Cab 920-818-1124
Door County Limo 920-695-3084
*You can get ice at Walgreens, 808 S. Duluth Avenue & Highway 42/57 or most gas stations around town
Details guests must know:
*Maintenance, landscaping, light construction or construction of a dock may be going on in the yard / garden or on the water, during your stay. We will do our best to be quiet, but sometimes, it cannot be helped. Crews are instructed not to look in windows! Your host is at the mercy of work-crew schedules.
*Must climb stairs
*Potential for noise- Dog may bark when guests enter and leave premises.
*Pet lives on property- One, friendly standard poodle that belongs to your host, lives next door and you may see her meandering in the yard.
*Street parking only.
*Not suitable for pets
*No smoking
*No parties or events